Thursday, July 21, 2011

Road Rage In The Rain! My first post in 23 months, and it took a CRAZY BITCH to get me to return to blogging! ;)

Hello again! As it says up in the title, it has been 23 months since I've had a blog entry. That is a very long time. I went through a home robbery right after starting this site and that experience kind of sucked the excitement of creating a blog right out of me. A lot has changed in my life since then, (including getting married), and maybe I'll get to that and other things, and make a comeback with this blog, and maybe I won't; time will tell. Anyway, an event happened today that forced me to come out of blog retirement.

Today after work, a sudden downpour occurred as I was driving home. It was pouring rain and it made the roads very slick and dangerous. As I was exiting the highway via an off-ramp, a nutjob behind me came up fast, right on my bumper and tried to pass me! I couldn't believe it! I had to speed up to get clear of the ramp just to make sure I wasn't going to crash. I was upset of course, but I figured I might as well let it go right? Better to let bygones be bygones, and I was happy I had avoided the crash. However, it wasn't over. The driver got up beside me and rolled down their window. By now my blood was pumping and my whole face was red with anger. I saw an electric window lower and to my suprise it was a lady with gray hair in her 50's! She looked like a teacher, you know the one I'm talking about; the teacher from your past that everyone hated! No way in hell I had thought an old woman would be driving so recklessly. Then this woman started to lecture me, well tried to lecture me because she didn't get very far. Several things were working against this woman at this point: #1: I had just escaped a major accident due to this woman trying to pass me with excessive speed on an off-ramp in the pouring rain on slick roads; #2: even though she was at fault, she was trying to lecture me which had enraged me; and #3 unfortunately for her I had just downed a 5-hour energy about 10 minutes before this occurred. She had only spoken about half a word when I laid into her. I screamed: "You crazy bitch!!! Trying to pass me in the pouring rain???" I may have said a few other choice words that have been censored for this blog at this point too. Well, instantly the window went up, she switched lanes,
cut off another car, accelerated to 60 mph, ran a yellow light, and speed off!

I was puzzled why she had at first tried to pull up beside me and lecture me, and then had a change of heart and took off all of a sudden until I saw my face in the mirror! I was as red as a tomato and had one of those throbbing veins on the side of my forehead. I must have looked like a road-rage hall of famer! I did gain at least a little satisfaction when I saw her way up in front of me now going about 70 MHP fanatically speeding away from the area ;)

That is the end of my little adventure, and I was able to see the humor in the situation once I had calmed down. I am grateful no accident occurred, and hopefully this manic freak woman learned a lesson or two! Remember, road-rage is never a good thing because you don't know who the person in the other car is. No matter who is at fault, try to remain calm at all times (unlike my example), due to the fact that the other person could be violent or have a gun. Never let your anger get the best of you, life is way too valuable!

Anyway, it feels good to get an entry out there after 23 months. Hopefully I won't wait as long to submit my next blog update.

Until next time!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad you're back baby! Even if it's about a crazy old woman driving. :D
